Monday 9 January 2012

Change Can Be Challenging ...

When faced with particular issues, old attempts toward resolution, no longer serve a purpose. These patterns begin to prevent a life of wellbeing and optimum health at a variety of levels.

During change, one strives forward and behaves in self-protective ways due to feelings of uncertainty, mistrust and/or the fear of not being able to withstand disruption to old ways of being.

Change can raise concerns about one’s relationships, being confronted with uncomfortable feelings such as doubt and fear.

It may force one to ask questions such as, “Who am I?” and “How am I going to move forward in the face of these circumstances?”

One may say, “It all sounds too difficult this change and adapting to new circumstances”.

Well it is difficult and challenging at times, however not impossible.

Finding someone who understands you, someone you feel safe with, who will not judge or criticize, is a very good place to start.

Change can be seen as the essence of personal development and the opportunity of new beginnings.

It is one way to understand more meaningfully, how one relates to others and an invitation for self-reflection.

“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change”.

Carl Rogers


Tess Tokatlidis, Somatic Psychotherapist
Associate Member of AASP, Dip Somatic Psychotherapy,
Specialist Relationship Therapy R.A., Ass. Dip. Welfare Studies
T 9639 3875; 0401 902 702; E

As a Somatic Psychotherapist, Tess places great importance on the whole person—including psychological, emotional and physical

aspects of your experience. Somatic Psychotherapy begins at $50 per hour for full-time students and up to $80 max for those who work full-time.

Appointments may also be made online at:

Photo: David Castillo Dominici,

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